A Dermatologist near me
Do you have a concern about a nail disorder? The Dermatologists at Mohs Surgery ft Collins can help you. Mohs surgery ft collins is a highly specialized treatment of the total eradication of skin cancer. Its use of detailed mapping techniques and complete microscopic control differs from all other methods. The Mohs surgeon is capable of pinpointing the exact location of the tumor that is invisible to the naked eye. The Smallest tiny roots of cancer can easily be removed. The advantages of this technology are; the removal of as little healthy skin as possible and has the highest possibility of obliterating the tumor.
The nail is part of the skin that grows from under the nail root found under the cuticle. That is why nail ailments are related to skin conditions and dermatology. Nails are a crucial indicator of a person’s overall health condition and are significant in an individual’s appearance. Severe nail disorders can cause discomfort and impaired functionality, and these could lead to physiological distress and low esteem.
A change of color, texture shape to any of your nails can be harmless but could also be a red flag to severe disease. Should you start seeing or feeling any of the following changes to a fingernail or toenail, see a dermatologist. There are various types of nail disorders, some of which include;
Dark streak
Scientifically known as Acral lentiginous melanoma, the colored stripe is the most severe type of skin cancer. Always see a dermatologist the moment you notice your toenail or fingernail changing dark streak. Not necessarily is every dark stripe a melanoma, but it is advisable to have it examined by a dermatologist. If caught and treated at the earliest stage, you may not require any other treatment. It becomes more challenging to treat if left to grow.
Pitted nails
Also known as pitting, these appear like dents or pits on the surface of either your fingernails or toenails. The pitting can be deep or shallow. It is of utmost important to have a dermatologist examine you if you have this condition to discover the underlying cause. Sometimes this could be signs that you have other ailments affecting your overall health such as Psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, reactive arthritis, or inflammation caused by an infection elsewhere. It could also be a sign of alopecia areata. Nail pitting is quite challenging to treat, but advanced technologies in dermatology have proved to be effective. Early treatment may help you feel better, recover faster, and also prevent the disease from spreading. Some of the treatment methods for pitted nails include nail removal, steroid injection in an affected nail, and antifungal treatment.
Splinter hemorrhages of the nail
These are thin lines of blood running underneath the nail. They resemble splinters and occur when capillaries, along with the nail bed, burst. These splinters may occur in your fingernails or toenails. The main symptom of splinter illness is a small amount of bleeding under the nail. You may not notice a splinter hemorrhage because it doesn’t cause physical pain except when caused by an injury on your toe or finger.
Injuries that damage the blood vessel trigger bleeding underneath the nail on the affected digits. Such injuries may also cause swelling, inflammation and pain. These conditions are not a reason for concern. They clear up as the wound heals and can be treated with over the counter medication. If you didn’t injure your toe or finger and notice a splinter hemorrhage, it may indicate an underlying disease or disorder. Several health conditions are known to trigger splinter illness, and these include; rheumatoid arthritis, nail psoriasis, lupus, scleroderma, fungal infection, diabetes, Reynaud’s disease, and many others. Medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also cause splinter illness as a side effect. Treatment for non-injury triggered splinter hemorrhage will often depend on the underlying problem. Fingernail infections respond more quickly to treatment than toenail infections.
It’s been said that nails are the barometer of your overall health condition. Like hair, nails change as our body ages due to nutrition deficiencies or too much exposure to harsh cleaning chemicals, other cosmetic products like nail polish, nail polish removers. Hormonal problems can also affect the health of your nails. Such changes include growth rate, shape, color and texture. They become brittle and cause ridges along the length of the nail and uneven nail tips. If the cause of your nail disorder is not immediately known, your dermatologist may take samples of tissue from underneath your nail for laboratory analysis to determine the solution for your treatment.