The water drain consists of different components. Each connects to the other up to the main sewer. It helps to know the various parts and where they are so that in case of leakage, one can quickly fix it before the situation deteriorates. Besides, with a clear understanding of the water drain components, it is easier to clarify the issue if you need help from a call all day plumber. Some of the water drain components in a home are highlighted below.
The Fixture Drain
This is the part of the water drain that is more easily recognized and widely known. It is the visible part of the sink, shower, or bath tap that water drains into. The fixture is usually fitted with a stopper or plug. It’s the starting point of water drainage from the house to the sewer.
The fixture rarely has drain problems unless for the occasional leak that might be caused by the washer.
From the sink area, the fixture drain leads top-trap. The p-shaped trap is installed below a sink, washing machine, or bathtub to hold the still water. It acts as a barrier between the home and sewer systems. The p-trap prevents the leakage of sewer gas from entering the home. It also traps foreign elements, preventing them from blocking the drainage system.
Anytime there’s an unpleasant sewer-like smell in the home, could be the standing water has evaporated, emitting the foul smell. The odor could also be an indicator of P-trap leak or rot, in which case one needs to call all day plumber.
The House Sewer Trap
The house sewer trap is the drainage system that’s often found outside the house. It has a house side cleanout and the outside cleanout. On either side, the house sewer trap has caps. When these caps loosely fit, it emits a foul odor, and the dirty water can leak into the home. Its belly traps objects that enter the drainage system.
When a house sewer trap is in distress, it must be traced and resolved before the situation worsens. To trace the trap, trace the fresh air inlet pipe. Typically, it’s on the front wall of your house. Behind it is the house sewer trap, which is usually U-shaped.
Toilet Trap
Toilets are built with traps to prevent sewer gas from getting into the home. The curved drain traps hold water and the dirt and drain the waste into the sewer tank.
Clothes Washer StandPipe
The water drain system that serves the clothes washer is often hidden behind the finished walls, except the standpipe. The standpipe is where the cloth washer drains water immediately after a wash. The water is then directed to the curved drain and further flows to the branch drain and finally to the main drain. The standpipe might be of galvanized iron or otherwise. Whichever the plumbing material, it is essential to be vigilant and ensure it’s in the best condition.
Sewer Access Pit
This is the part of the water drainage that is often overlooked. It’s airtight, easy to access, and people can walk over it. It is vital to ensure the sewer pit is not in disrepair to avoid cases of someone falling into the pit, water spillage, or foul odor. The sewer access pit often requires repair and cleaning.
Pitch is an essential component of water drainage. It refers to the angel that water flows in relation to gravity. The water drainage pipes in the home are built with the pitch in mind to ensure the water is drained effectively from the home to the sewer. The plumbing installation process involves dropping the pipes a quarter-inch per foot to ensure proper drainage. That’s why it is important to call all day plumber for standardized water pipes installation or repair. The right plumbing helps prevent water drainage issues.